Starting from 2021 COST provides two new types of networking tools (Virtual Networking Tools).  Proposed as a pilot scheme until 31 October 2021, they have been confirmed by COST to be available also in the current year (2022).

The Virtual Networking Tools include:

  • Virtual Networking Support Manager grant. The VNS manager is the person appointed by the MC as VNS grantee. The VNS manager shall develop, among others, a virtual networking strategy, coordinate the call for expression of interest for the Virtual Mobility Grants, approve the VM application(s) on behalf of the MC and draft a report to be approved by the MC.

VNS templates:


  • Virtual Mobility (VM) Grants are devoted to strengthening the existing networks by allowing individual participants to foster collaboration, exchange knowledge, learn new techniques, etc. The successful applicants perform activities that do not necessarily require in-person presence. These activities may include surveys, questionnaires or preparation of protocols, virtual mentoring of activities that can generate capacity, build new skills, etc. The applicant(s) shall inform the MC about the aim of the VM Grant and how its outcomes will generate benefits to the Action, actively contribute to the overall objectives and relevant deliverables of the Action and submit an activity report at the end, to be approved by the VNS manager on behalf of the MC.

VM templates:


Who can Apply

Anyone from COST Countries or NNC is eligible to apply, but the researchers from other countries called “International Partner Countries (IPC)” are not eligible.


For more information on eligibility rules, evaluation and selections of applicants, implementation of activities, financial support and payment, non-eligible expenses, please read:

  1. Section (10.) of the COST VADEMECUM
  2. FAQ document at FAQ-VNTs-Final-Version-2.pdf (
  3. Virtual Mobility Grants Rules


COST presentation of VNTs can be watched at New Virtual Networking Tools (VNT) are implemented for COST Actions! – YouTube